I have a webservice client code which accesses a service (Axis2 based). I tried changing the content type in the request header using the following code.
ServiceClient serviceClient = stub._getServiceClient();
Options options = serviceClient.getOptions();
options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.CHUNKED, "true");
But the above code was not working for the content type text/xml
.But It worked when I used the content type application/xml
.I was not able to set the content type as text/xml
Can anybody give me a solution for this?
Your client may be using the wrong SOAP version to format its request. text/xml
is the SOAP 1.1 content type. application/soap+xml
is the content type for SOAP 1.2.
This page illustrates how to change the SOAP version.
will set the SOAP version to 1.1, for example.