Bar Code Scanner and Keyboard.
NOTE: My Bar Code Scanner is USB Type.
What function must be use to trigger the keyboard if i'm at auto.aspx page? I tried this code but no success:
var barcode = document.getElementById('barcodenum');
barcode.addEventListener("keypress", function() { alert("Please use Barcode Scanner!"); document.getElementById('barcodenum').value = "";}, true);
As pointed out by @Robert Skarzycki above, i doubt you can integrate with the scanner using a web page.
On the keypress intercept issue.
Add this to the head section of you page.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
var barcode = document.getElementById('barcodenum');
barcode.addEventListener("keyup", function() {
alert("Please use Barcode Scanner!");
document.getElementById('barcodenum').value = "";
}, true);