Currently I'm working with DirectShow.NET, an unofficial .NET "port" for Microsoft's DirectShow (C++).
Both IAMAnalogVideoDecoder and IAMTVTuner declare the method get_AvailableVideoFormats
. This is how the method is defined in the official docs:
HRESULT get_AvailableTVFormats(
[out] long *lAnalogVideoStandard
It's not clear to me if this parameter is a pointer to a single AnalogVideoStandard
, or a enumeration. Unfortunatelly I'm too inexperienced with C++ to fully understand the docs. Because of the methods name, I would expect it to be a enumeration, but is it?
The reason I'm asking this, is because in the .NET library, this parameter is not a enumeration, just a single value. I find this very strange, since I'm expecting to get multiple "available video formats" here.
By the way, AnalogVideoStandard
is an enum.
It's not clear to me if this parameter is a pointer to a single AnalogVideoStandard, or a enumeration.
It's neither1:
Pointer to a variable that receives a bitwise OR of zero or more flags from the AnalogVideoStandard enumeration.
It's a pointer to a value that represents zero or more AnalogVideoStandard
This answer should explain the rest. You should be able to apply this answer to your .NET code.
1 Technically it could be an enumeration value in C# because enum
types can have a FlagsAttribute
applied to them but there's no equivalent in C++, you just |
values together with no special fanfare.