I have a Win32 application which converts HTML into an image without displaying the control. (I dont have much experience to use ActiveX in a Win32 application).
I followed this MSDN article to create the control and call Navigate()
: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa451946.aspx
When I need to convert the image, I call IViewObjec::Draw()
. The problem is the control is always visible even if I call the following function:
browser->put_Visible(VARIANT_FALSE); // browser is IWebBrowser2
When I stepped into the code I found out that when I call
the control becomes visible immediately. But from what I can see from MSDN is that OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE
Activates an object in place without displaying tools, such as menus and toolbars, that end users need to change the behavior or appearance of the object. Single-clicking such an object causes it to negotiate the display of its user-interface tools with its container. If the container refuses, the object remains active but without its tools displayed.
I am a bit confused, I only want to hide it.
I found another solution.
I just make normal window and put the html control into the windown and hide it, which solves all the problems that I mentioned above.
In the ControlSite I implemented IOleWindow::GetWindow() to put control like following code (mWindow is just my Basic window class), just return this normal window's handle.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetWindow(/* [out] */ HWND __RPC_FAR* theWindow)
*theWindow = mWindow.GetHandle();
return S_OK;