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With which Framework to Detect Augmented Reality Markers in Single Image

I need to detect augmented reality markers in single images (or at least in a video saved on disk, not live captured) on OS X in C/C++, python or MATLAB.

I tried ARToolKit, but it looks like reading videos from disk only works on windows:

vid = arVideoOpen( "inputDevice=AVI_FILE,fileName=/Users/jw/Desktop/matlabvideo/example.avi" );

The framework should be specialized on ARMarker detection (for higher accuracy of the edge points), not just a simple pattern detection, e.g. with openCV.

Does anyone know about alternatives to ARToolKit or how to read videos on OS X with ARToolKit? I already did a deep search without finding any working alternatives.


  • ok after some more search I found Aruco. Works on OS X with single images. The drawback is it does only work with certain markers...