I created a new target in an iOS project and added some of my files as well as a new storyboard file. But when running in the simulator (I haven't tried the device) it pukes at UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([PKPreprocessAppDelegate class]))
in main.c:
(lldb) po $eax
(unsigned int) $1 = 151596752 Could not find a storyboard named 'Storyboard.storyboard'
in bundle NSBundle </Users/XXX/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Applications/007281D7-F09F-482A-A57A-CEEC1C65176B/XXXXX Preprocess.app> (loaded)
The plist has a matching Storyboard.storyboard under the key UIMainStoryboardFile~iphone
. I also checked that the Copy Bundle Resources
has that storyfile listed. Within the bundle the file is at directory en.lproj
(though named as Storyboard.storyboardc
). I even tried copying out of the en.lproj
directory to no avail.
I also tried plist under key UIMainStoryboardFile
still doesn't work.
From the comment section:
Can you click on your projects -> TARGETS -> iPhone/iPod deployment info, and check to see your storyboard is listed there? Also, Click on your storyboard file -> Show the file inspector -> target membership, make sure there is a check mark on the project.