I have succeeded in determining which two numbers when multiplied produces a numerical palindrome in C#, however I need to sort the products from lowest to highest. Is there anyway to do this?
static void LargestPalindrome()
ulong product = 0;
ulong compare = 0;
for (uint i = 100; i < 1000; i++)
for (uint j = 100; j < 1000; j++)
product = i * j;
StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(product.ToString());
//Pass string to reverse
string value_r = Reverse(value.ToString());
//Check if Numeric Palindrome
if(value_r.Equals(value.ToString()) && product>compare)
Console.WriteLine("{0} x {1} = {2} in reverse {3}", i, j, value, value_r);
The following should suffice. I've simply sorted the list of palindromes and printed them to the Console screen.
static void LargestPalindrome()
ulong product = 0;
ulong compare = 0;
List<ulong> results = new List<ulong>();
for (uint i = 100; i < 1000; i++)
for (uint j = 100; j < 1000; j++)
product = i * j;
StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(product.ToString());
//Pass string to reverse
string value_r = Reverse(value.ToString());
//Check if Numeric Palindrome
if(value_r.Equals(value.ToString()) && product>compare)
foreach (var palindrome in results)