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scheme in jedit

I have been searching for quite a while for a way to get color codes for the Scheme language in Jedit. Anybody know how I can do that? I also haven't figured out how to compile my Scheme code in terminal (mac), so I'm wondering if you could give me some pointers there as well.



  • Yes, the scheme mode should be installed for your local jEdit install. To change your current mode, look in the bottom right of your jEdit window and click on whatever is there ("text" maybe?). It will bring up a dialog where you can select scheme as the edit mode.

    jEdit mode selection

    If you look in ~/.jedit/modes/catalog or the modes directory of your jEdit install, you should be able to see which file globs are automatically associated with the scheme language already. You can then add more globs to match whatever file extension you're using for your scheme source files.