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PHP : Is it Possible to do Google +1 via API?
Is there any Google api available ?
To answer the question more succinctly:
There is no +1 API call for the PHP client library that will +1 a URL, most likely due to the potential for abuse
You can only trigger +1 actions
using the +1 button
which must be rendered using JavaScript
Laravel Excel Download using Controller
How do I parse emails in realtime as they are recieved
PhpStorm does not show Missing parameter's type declaration warning
HTML form not sending expected value of radio button, sending "on" instead
Cannot modify readonly property - but not modifying it?
PHP: Best way to check if input is a valid number?
How do I get Eloquent autocompletion in Visual Studio Code?
Can you get a return URL by GET in JQuery or PHP?
Retrieve wordpress image filename as it is loaded
How can I use a many-to-many relationship to display articles by tag in Laravel?
When a file is not found, anything blow the error is a no show, how can I fix this?
How can i edit that php code to be required?
Use PHP to create thumbnails. (Cropped to square)
Custom quantity input step based on WooCommerce product category
How to get video from Instagram public access API?
Browscap.ini throwing an error when loading PHP (command line - PHP_CLI)
PHP arrays, how to access keys and values
Error 500 - Premature end of script headers in Laravel
I want to hide json file from public access. How do I do that?
I got this error "Use of a direct database call is discouraged"
PHP replace string with values from array
How to Validate Bitbucket Webhook Signature Using Secret Key?
Passing docker-compose .env file values into the container
Declaring Variable Types in PHP?
How can I detect a malformed UTF-8 string in PHP?
PHP: mb_convert_encoding() to UTF-16LE doesn't work
Use WC Kalkulator product field values to update WooCommerce cart item product properties
What is the difference between strcmp() and Spaceship Operator (<=>)
Validate UUID with Laravel Validation
Artisan Call output in Controller?