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How to get Directories From WinCe Device using Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity

I was trying to get Win CE device information using Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity dll from a desktop application. I was able to connect , get system info, get running processes and disconnect. I am trying to fetch directories and files existing on device and i am not able to. If any one knows how to get them , please provide some code samples. That will be helpful.


  • The CoreCon APIs (Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity) cannot inherently give you a list if files on the device. It provides some rudimentary capabilities to get device info and push a file, but it's main purpose it to provide an API pipeline to allow you to create your own client tools. The VSD team did blog an example of using the CoreCon APIs to get a list of files from a connected device in a console app, which should get you most of the way to what you're after.