I would like to achieve the following things:
Given file contains a job list which I need to execute one by one in a remote server using SSH APIs and store results.
When I try to call the following command directly on remote server using putty it executes successfully but when I try to execute it through python SSH programming it says cant find autosys.ksh.
autosys.ksh autorep -J JOB_NAME
Any ideas? Please help. Thanks in advance.
Fabric is a good bet. From the home page,
Fabric is a Python (2.5 or higher) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.
A quick example,
>>> from fabric.api import run, env, cd, settings, hide, show
>>> env.host_string='xxx.xxx.com'
>>> env.user='user'
>>> env.password='password'
>>> run('ls -lart')