I would like to build the executable of CompassApp, a GUI application that lets webdesigners compile stylesheets by using SASS and Compass without using the command line.
The source can be found on GitHub here: https://github.com/handlino/CompassApp.
CompassApp is a an application developed in Jruby.
From the GitHub webpage of the project:
If you want to build your own copy, you will need JRuby and rawr
I am using Windows 7 as operating system for my webdesign projects. I never built a jruby app from source. It seems on linux it's easier to install the required things, anyway i'm using Windows now.
First i cloned the GitHub repository.
Then i installed jruby.
Now i should install rawr (https://github.com/rawr/rawr)
It seems that rawr also requires javac and rake
I saw that rawr and rake are 2 ruby gems.
I would need a step by step guide from the install of the requirements to the build of the application.
(i never used jruby in the past).
If someone of you develops apps in jruby i think that can help me easily.
I thank you in advance.
@Fabio Hi, we made Compass.app and Fire.app :-)
It is easy to build Compass.app on OS X or Linux. We have a (almost) step by step guide about building Fire.app on the GitHub wiki and it can be applied to Compass.app too: https://github.com/handlino/FireApp/wiki
We have never tried to build it on Windows, and do not think it can be done easily.