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netbeans not found Qt Designer

When i want to open a .ui file in netbeans, its alert that: Failed to start Qt Designer. Make sure it is installed and added to PATH

I use win vista and opensource Qt 4.8.4 and Qt creator 2.6.1 in Addr. C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.6.1\bin\qtcreator.exe
and i have Qt designer in Addr. C:\Qt\4.8.4o\bin\designer.exe
my netbeans build tools options qmake set on C:\Qt\4.8.4o\bin\qmake.exe



  • PATH is a Windows environment variable. It is a list of paths that the OS uses to look for executables and libraries.

    You need to add the path to Qt Designer to that list. Right-click on 'My Computer', hit 'Properties', go to 'Advanced system settings', and click on the 'Environment Variables' button. Find 'Path' (or 'PATH') in the System Variables group, and click edit. The paths are delimited by a semi-colon, add the Qt Designer path to the end.