when my X Axis is of a time int it works perfectly. But when i put it as a string an error occurs
My XAML is like this
<telerik:RadChart Name="radChartCAMois">
<telerik:SeriesMapping LegendLabel="Chiffre d'affaire en DT">
<telerik:ItemMapping DataPointMember="XValue" FieldName="IntValue"></telerik:ItemMapping>
<telerik:ItemMapping DataPointMember="YValue" FieldName="StringValue"></telerik:ItemMapping>
and my code behing is like this
List<MyClass> a = new List<MyClass>{new MyClass{intValue = 1,stringValue = "s1"},new MyClass{intValue = 2,stringValue = "s2"}};
radChartCAMois.ItemsSource = a;
where MyClass is
class MyClass
public int intValue;
public string stringValue;
The XValue and YValue DataPointMember-s require their corresponding FieldName to be of type double. That's the reason why you can't set string as XValue. Instead you should use XCategory in a Category Chart..