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Trying to start a cron job on serversfree

I'm trying to add a cron job on my server, that is hosting here The provider for that is serversfree

It is realy good but i can't make a cron job. I want my php file to be started every minute(maybe latter less often but for start). So i added a cron job in a cron job manager under control panel but it's not working. my cron job is:

 1 * * * *  php -f /home/u798416153/scan.php

However it's not working:S

any ideas?


  • There are many possible reasons for not working.

    Regarding the file:

    • Executing permissions of the file.
    • Owner of the file.

    Regarding the crontab:

    • To which user does this crontab correspond the line you posted?
    • Does it have to be executed by root or any other user? If it is not root, you have to make sure that the user is not in /etc/cron.d/deny.