I am working on managed C++ or C++/CLI. I am trying to start a CLI thread to execute a function. However when I try to build I get the error "Microsoft (R) C/C++ optimizing compiler has stopped working." In the output window. "Foo.cpp(8): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler."
//the class which holds the function to run
ref class Foo
void handleEvent();
void (*func)(void);
void Foo::handleEvent()
ThreadStart ^ param = gcnew ThreadStart(func); //line 8
Thread ^ thread = gcnew Thread(param);
Is ThreadStart not capable of handling native function pointers? If not, is there is another way to run a regluar C function pointer from C++/CLI?
Try substituting line 8 with
ThreadStart^ param = (ThreadStart^) System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer((IntPtr)func, ThreadStart::typeid);