I am new to Django and I included django-registration to my project.
It works great except that when a user click on the activation link, his accounts is activated but the user is redirected to a template that says otherwise.
Here is the urls.py part :
urlpatterns = patterns('',
{'template': 'registration/activation_complete.html'},
{'backend': 'registration.backends.default.DefaultBackend'},
Here is the view part :
def activate(request, backend,
success_url=None, extra_context=None, **kwargs):
backend = get_backend(backend)
account = backend.activate(request, **kwargs)
if account:
if success_url is None:
to, args, kwargs = backend.post_activation_redirect(request, account)
return redirect(to, *args, **kwargs)
return redirect(success_url)
if extra_context is None:
extra_context = {}
context = RequestContext(request)
for key, value in extra_context.items():
context[key] = callable(value) and value() or value
return render_to_response(template_name,
The line :
returns registration_activation_complete
And here is the template :
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block content %}
{% if account %}
<p>{% trans "Account successfully activated" %}</p>
<p><a href="{% url auth_login %}">{% trans "Log in" %}</a></p>
{% else %}
<p>{% trans "Account activation failed" %}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
What I suspect is that it creates the account then gets redirected to another url thanks to the line :
return redirect(to, *args, **kwargs)
Then it calls the generic views direct_to_template but at this moment the variable account does not exist anymore since it was destroyed after the redirection (that's my guess).
I would like to send the account variable to the second view but did not manage to do it.
Thank you for your help with this problem.
The template has a conditional, it checks for the account
variable, which is not set. Just remove the conditional and error message and you should be good to go. In django-registration 0.8, that variable is never set for the templates.
Here is a sample Activation Complete Template.
Hope this helps!