Testing with Pharo 1.4 summer. I think is better to explain it using screenshots, code is below.
This is my initial state (what I'm getting now with my code):
I want the group box morph to be filled horizontally on opening, like this:
And after resizing, I want the group box morph to maintain the bounds, i.e.:
This is the code I've tried:
| s morph1 morph2 row groupBox scroller |
s := ScrollPane new.
morph1 := BorderedMorph new.
morph2 := BorderedMorph new.
row := UITheme builder newRow: {morph1 . morph2}.
groupBox := UITheme builder newGroupbox: 'Group Box Test' for: row.
layoutFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0.8));
vResizing: #spaceFill;
hResizing: #spaceFill;
scroller := s scroller.
addMorph: (groupBox position: 0@0)
fullFrame: (0 @ 0 corner: 0.8@0.5).
s scroller color: Color white.
extent: 250@150;
The container must be a ScrollPane.
I have adapted the code of Bert to not to use the Polymorph UIBuilder, resulting in:
morph1 := Morph new.
morph2 := Morph new.
row := ScrollPane new.
color: Color white; borderColor: Color gray; borderWidth: 1;
layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.
row scroller
addMorph: morph1 fullFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (0@0 corner: 1@0) offsets: (5@5 corner: -60@45));
addMorph: morph2 fullFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (1@0 corner: 1@0) offsets: (-50@5 corner: -5@45)).
extent: 250@150;
but also doesn't work because the inner blue morphs are overlapped and not filling the specified frame. I tried many combinations using frames but nothing worked so far. Do you know what I'm missing?
Using UIBuilder you don't need to create manually a scroller. Check the following script by resizing until vertical or horizontal scroll bars appear automatically.
| dialog morphList row morph1 morph2 morph3 morph4 |
morph1 := BorderedMorph new hResizing: #spaceFill.
morph2 := BorderedMorph new.
morph3 := BorderedMorph new.
morph4 := BorderedMorph new.
row := UITheme builder newRow: {morph1 . morph2 . morph3}.
morphList := UITheme builder
newMorphListFor: (ListModel new list: {row . morph4})
list: #list
getSelected: #selectionIndex
setSelected: #selectionIndex:
help: 'This is a morph list'.
dialog := UITheme builder newWindowFor: nil title: 'titleString'.
dialog addMorph: morphList fullFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (0@0 corner: 1@0.5)).
dialog openInWorld