I have 2 tables in mssql server.I can perform scd through custom insert/update/delete and also through Merge statement.
I want to know that is there any generic procedure that could server the purpose. we just pass it 2 tables and it should porform the SCD. any option in SQL server 2008? Thanks
No, there isn't and there can't be a generic one suitable for no matter what tables you pass to it. For several reasons:
Not a reason why it's not possible but also consider: For a proper UPSERT
one usually works with temporary tables, the MERGE
statement sucks for SCDs except in special cases. That is because you can't use a MERGE
statement together with an INSERT/UPDATE
and you would have to disable foreign keys for that, since an UPDATE
is implemented as DELETE THEN INSERT
(or something like that, don't remember clearly, but I had those problems when I tried).
I prefer doing it this way (SCD type 2 and SQL Server that is):
Step 1:
SELECT * FROM sys.objects
WHERE name = 'tmpDimSource')
DROP TABLE tmpDimSource;
INTO tmpDimSource
SELECT whatever
FROM yourTable
Step 2:
SELECT * FROM sys.objects
WHERE name = 'tmpDimYourDimensionName')
DROP TABLE tmpDimYourDimensionName;
SELECT * INTO tmpDimYourDimensionName FROM D_yourDimensionName WHERE 1 = 0;
INSERT INTO tmpDimYourDimensionName
sid, /*a surrogate id column*/
ISNULL(d.sid, 0),
DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE()), 0) /*the current date*/
tmpDimSource ds
LEFT JOIN D_yourDimensionName d ON ds.whateverId = c.whateverId
The ISNULL(d.sid, 0)
in step 2 is important. It returns the surrogate id of your dimension, if an entry already exists, otherwise 0.
Step 3:
UPDATE D_yourDimensionName SET
validTo = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE()) - 1, 0) /*yesterday*/
D_yourDimensionName d
INNER JOIN tmpDimYourDimensionName t ON d.sid = t.sid
WHERE t.sid <> 0 AND
d.theColumnWhichHasChangedAndIsImportant <> t.theColumnWhichHasChangedAndIsImportant OR
d.anotherColumn <> t.anotherColumn
In Step 3 you mark the existing entry as not valid anymore and keep a history of it. The valid entry you get with WHERE validTo IS NULL
You can also add another UPDATE
to overwrite any other column with the new value if needed.
Step 4:
INSERT INTO D_yourDimensionName
SELECT * FROM tmpDimYourDimensionName
WHERE sid = 0;
And that's it.