Is there is any way to turn off keyboard shortcuts in iOS 6 for particular textfield/textview? I want to turn off keyboard shortcut for my app only and not from 'Settings app' of iOS.
I started writing my own text editor to achieve it.
There is no standard way to turn off keyboard shortcuts on application level (For non jailbroken iOS).
To achieve this I stated with implementation of custom TextView with Core Text
and UITextInput
Add @property
for keyBoardShortCuts
Override "tokenizer
" getter method by following way to turn off shortcuts.
- (id <UITextInputTokenizer>)tokenizer {
return _tokenizer;
return nil;
If we remove tokenizer, there is be no keyboard shortcuts in custom view, even though shortcut are turned on from iOS setting.
Note: Take care of one thing, as we are not depending on tokenizer, now, in this case, use enumerateSubstringsInRange:range options:NSStringEnumerationByWords/Lines block to find out selection range for word or line.
To try this add above code in EGOTextView project to turn off default shortcuts.