I'm studyng the EJB 3 with the Oracle's tutorial, Ant 1.8 and Glassfish (in Windows 7).
In the first example I build correctly the EAR, but when I run
ant deploy
by cmd, I receive this message
[echo] deploys the application in cart - build/cart.ear
[echo] C:\installati\glassfish-3_1_2_2\glassfish3\glassfish/bin/asadmin.bat
--host localhost --port 4848 deploy --name cart --forc
e=true --upload=true --dbvendorname SQL92 build/cart.ear
[exec] Authentication failed for user: null
[exec] (Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)
[exec] Command deploy failed.
The tutorial doesn't say anything about security configurations and I don't know very well Glassfish. I tried to use the command add-resources (following this similar thread) but I don't know the syntax of this file.
I don't think there's a problem about configuration of path, because the bat are correctly runned...
I see the answer to question, but it's not my situation...
Has someone found sometime a similar problem?
I solved: I'm re-installed Glassfish.
After the reinstallation, most of examples (not all) are working correctly without authentication hypothesis.
Maybe my problem was born using a solution found in the web for another problem, and unperceively I had misdirect something in deploy's process of GlasshFish.