I need to read some basic code. I never worked with BASIC and ask you help me. There is such code
filedialog "Open","*.txt",file$
if file$="" then end
open file$ for input as #f
'open "g:\data\funcfirstques.txt" for input as #f
while not(eof(#f))
line input #f, a$
close #f
open "g:\data\junk.txt" for output as #1
print#1, a$
close #1
open "g:\data\junk.txt" for input as #1
while not(eof(#1))
input #1, b$
close #1
As I understood, here is opening file file$, then in first loop, counting lines in this file and adding they to array a$. Then opening file junk.txt and writing array a$ to this file. But what is doing in second loop? What is the k?
Input is usual .csv file.
P.S Sorry for my awful English :)
Its reading the file
As you know from this
open "g:\data\junk.txt" for output as #1
print#1, a$
close #1
like open for OUTPUT and PRINT #
similarly this...
open "g:\data\junk.txt" for input as #1
while not(eof(#1))
input #1, b$
is reading the file back IN byte by byte.