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Why doesn't k-means give the global minima?

I read that the k-means algorithm only converges to a local minima and not to a global minima. Why is this? I can logically think of how initialization could affect the final clustering and there is a possibility of sub-optimum clustering, but I did not find anything that will mathematically prove that.

Also, why is k-means an iterative process? Can't we just partially differentiate the objective function w.r.t. to the centroids, equate it to zero to find the centroids that minimizes this function? Why do we have to use gradient descent to reach the minimum step by step?


  • Don't mix the problem and the algorithm.

    The k-means problem is finding the least-squares assignment to centroids.

    There are multiple algorithms for finding a solution.

    There is an obvious approach to find the global optimum: enumerating all k^n possible assignments - that will yield a global minimum, but in exponential runtime.

    Much more attention was put to finding an approximate solution in faster time.

    The Lloyd/Forgy algorithm is an EM-style iterative model refinement approach, that is guaranteed to converge to a local minimum simply because there is a finite number of states, and the objective function must decrease in every step. This algorithm runs in O(n*k*i) where i << n usually, but it may find a local minimum only.

    The MacQueens method is technically not iterative. It's a single-pass, one-element-at-a-time algorithm that will not even find a local minimum in the Lloyd sense. (You can however run it multiple passes over the data set, until convergence, to get a local minimum too!) If you do a single pass, its in O(n*k), for multiple passes add i. It may or may not take more passes than Lloyd.

    Then there is Hartigan and Wong. I don't remember the details, IIRC it was a clever, more lazy, variant of Lloyd/Forgy, so probably in O(n*k*i), too (although probably not recomputing all n*k distances for later iterations?)

    You could also do a randomized alogrithm that just tests l random assignments. It probably won't find a minimum at all, but run in "linear" time O(n*l).

    Oh, and you can try different random initializations, to improve your chances of finding the global minimum. Add a factor t for the number of trials...