I am tring to write an ant script to build a SOA composite application.
I have written the script as follows -
<project name="SOA-Build" default="sca-package" basedir=".">
<description> Automated Build file for SOA composite application </description>
<!-- import global properties for this build -->
<property file="build.properties"/>
<target name="init">
<delete dir="./${sca_name}/deploy" />
<delete dir="./logs" />
<mkdir dir="./${sca_name}/deploy" />
<mkdir dir="./logs" />
<target name="sca-compile" depends="init">
<ant antfile="${soa_home}/bin/ant-sca-compile.xml" inheritAll="false">
<property name="wl_home" value="${weblogic_home}"/>
<property name="scac.input" value="./${sca_name}/composite.xml"/>
<property name="scac.output" value="./logs/out.xml" />
<property name="scac.error" value="./logs/out.err" />
<property name="scac.application.home" value="."/>
<target name="sca-package" depends="sca-compile">
<ant antfile="${soa_home}/bin/ant-sca-package.xml" inheritAll="false">
<property name="compositeDir" value="./${sca_name}"/>
<property name="compositeName" value="${sca_name}"/>
<property name="revision" value="${rev_id}"/>
<property name="sca.application.home" value="."/>
the build.properties file contains
while running ant I am getting following error in ant-sca-package.xml
[scac] error: BPM-71504: Unexpected error parsing 'oramds:/soa/shared/work
flow/TaskEvidenceService.xsd'. Cause: oracle.mds.exception.MDSException: MDS-00
054: The file to be loaded oramds:/soa/shared/workflow/TaskEvidenceService.xsd d
oes not exist.. Action: Verify that file is valid and accessible
[scac] error: BPM-71504: Unexpected error parsing 'oramds:/soa/shared/work
flow/WorkflowCommon.xsd'. Cause: oracle.mds.exception.MDSException: MDS-00054:
The file to be loaded oramds:/soa/shared/workflow/WorkflowCommon.xsd does not ex
ist.. Action: Verify that file is valid and accessible
[scac] error: BPM-71504: Unexpected error parsing 'oramds:/soa/shared/work
flow/WorkflowTask.xsd'. Cause: oracle.mds.exception.MDSException: MDS-00054: Th
e file to be loaded oramds:/soa/shared/workflow/WorkflowTask.xsd does not exist.
. Action: Verify that file is valid and accessible
Can anybody help me with this?
It seems like I have sorted out this problem.
If you are faceing similar problems while calling ant-sca-package.xml from your build.xml script
open ant-sca-package.xml
modify scac-validate task and remove/comment-out
< antcall target="scac" inheritall="true"/>
This might solve the problem.