i have a few keys that i prefer to force-bind to keys i'm familiar with, and so i have used this SO Solution .
but i have found recently that it breaks for me.
the circumstances: it works fine when running 24.2.1 in window mode as build 2012-08-27 on bob.parkland.org (i.e. the pre-build emacs-for-mac solution found at http://emacsformacosx.com/).
but then it will not work when run in terminal on lion, which is 22.1.1 (mac-apple-darwin) of 2012-01-12 on b1006.apple.com .
if i comment out the call to add the hook, it works fine.
the problem is partly that i byte-compiled the code found at the other link above into a separate loadable .elc file … and did so with the newer version of emacs.
when i go back to the 22.1.1 version of emacs and byte-compile it with that version, it works in both versions of emacs without problems.