I'm working on porting Mumble over to Windows RT (using the jailbreak), and I've hit an issue where this one function is getting corrupted when Mumble loads.
Mumble (Corrupt function):
0:000> dq user32.dll+0x023918
77a63918 47c3004244696841 4770df01
77a63928 4770df010c17f241 4770df01
77a63938 4770df010c19f241 4770df01
77a63948 4770df010c1bf241 4770df01
77a63958 4770df010c1df241 4770df01
77a63968 4770df010c1ff241 4770df01
77a63978 4770df010c21f241 4770df01
77a63988 4770df010c23f241 4770df01
0:000> u user32.dll+0x023918
* ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
C:\windows\system32\user32.dll -
77a63918 6841 ldr r1,[r0,#4]
77a6391a 4469 add r1,r1,sp
77a6391c 0042 lsls r2,r0,#1
77a6391e 47c3 ?blx r8
77a63920 f2410c16 mov r12,#0x1016
77a63924 df01 svc #1
TeXworks (Expected output):
0:000> dq user32.dll+0x23918
77a63918 4770df010c15f241 4770df01
77a63928 4770df010c17f241 4770df01
77a63938 4770df010c19f241 4770df01
77a63948 4770df010c1bf241 4770df01
77a63958 4770df010c1df241 4770df01
77a63968 4770df010c1ff241 4770df01
77a63978 4770df010c21f241 4770df01
77a63988 4770df010c23f241 4770df01
0:000> u user32.dll+0x23918
* ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\windows\system32\USER32.dll -
77a63918 f2410c15 mov r12,#0x1015
77a6391c df01 svc #1
77a6391e 4770 bx lr
77a63920 f2410c16 mov r12,#0x1016
77a63924 df01 svc #1
77a63926 4770 bx lr
77a63928 f2410c17 mov r12,#0x1017
77a6392c df01 svc #1
(Apologies for the less than stellar formatting of the code, a screenshot of the windows can be found here: https://i.sstatic.net/yybVA.png )
Mumble uses Qt (customized by the Mumble team, to my understanding), Protobuf, Boost, and OpenSSL TeXworks uses Qt
What I've tried so far:
Disabling the application compatibility engine
Unloading user32.dll at load, then reloading it (calling FreeLibrary 100 times, then calling LoadLibrary)
Removing anything that might look even remotely suspect from the manifests (from Qt and Mumble)
Removing the entire manifests (from Qt and Mumble)
If I patch this one function using cdb after Mumble launches it all works awesomely, but if I don't patch it the first action performed that calls that function ends in a crash. Opening/closing windows and dragging all call that function, so it's rather critical to the program that it's there.
Any help or pointers on this would be more than appreciated.
Edit: I've verified that it's something inside mainCRTStartup that's mucking around with it, trying to figure out what exactly it is now.
Edit 2: Found a platform-specific hook hidden in the Mumble code that was causing my troubles. Solved.
Since I can finally answer this now, Mumble had some hooks hidden away that I didn't know about. I defined a custom entrypoint that called mainCRTStartup so I could step through that and find exactly where that memory was getting changed, it led me straight to the hook.
Here's the code I used for that:
EXTERN_C int WINAPI mainCRTStartup();
void __stdcall EntryPoint()
MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,L"Pause(Before mainCRTStartup)",L"Pause(Before mainCRTStartup",MB_OK);
That allowed me to attach a debugger at the messagebox and step through mainCRTStartup until I found the static initializer that was getting called to load the hook.