I know this is an easy question, but I want to extract one part of a string with rails. I would do this like Java, by knowing the beginning and end character of the string and extract it, but I want to do this by ruby way, that's why I need your help.
My string is:
<a href="javascript:launchRemote('99999','C')">STACK OVER AND FLOW </a>
And I want the numerical values between quotation marks => 99999
and the value of the link => STACK OVER AND FLOW
How should I parse this string in ruby ?
If you need to parse html:
> require 'nokogiri'
> str = %q[<a href="javascript:launchRemote('99999','C')">STACK OVER AND FLOW</a>]
> doc = Nokogiri.parse(str)
> link = doc.at('a')
> link.text
> link['href'][/(\d+)/, 1]
=> "99999"