I'm trying to perform a simple count operation on a large table with SORM. This works inexplicably slow. Code:
case class Tests (datetime: DateTime, value:Double, second:Double)
object DB extends Instance (
entities = Set() +
url = "jdbc:h2:~/test",
user = "sa",
password = "",
poolSize = 10
object TestSORM {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Start at " + DB.now())
println(" DB.query[Tests].count() = " + DB.query[Tests].count())
println("Finish at " + DB.now())
Start at 2013-01-28T22:36:05.281+04:00
DB.query[Tests].count() = 3390132
Finish at = 2013-01-28T22:38:39.655+04:00
It took two and a half minutes! In H2 console 'select count(*) from tests' works in a tick. What is my mistake? Can I execute a sql query through it?
Thanks in advance!
It's a known optimization issue. Currently SORM does not utilize a COUNT
operation. Since finally the issue has come up, I'll address it right away. Expect a release fixing this in the comming days.
The issue fix has been delayed. You can monitor its status on the issue tracker.