This is gonna be a fairly simple question to which I wonder if there is a quick and clean workaround in Python.
Let say I have a nd-array defined as such:
In [10]: C = np.random.rand(2,3,3)
In [11]: C
array([[[ 0.43588471, 0.06600133, 0.81145749],
[ 0.20270693, 0.85879686, 0.75778422],
[ 0.68253449, 0.98287412, 0.63804605]],
[[ 0.61591433, 0.36453861, 0.23798795],
[ 0.26761896, 0.00657165, 0.04083067],
[ 0.11177481, 0.55245769, 0.97274592]]])
Then I calculate the difference between a value and the previous value in the array for the 3rd dimension as follow:
In [12]: C[:, :, 1:] = C[:, :, 1:] - C[:, :, 0:C.shape[2]-1]
In [13]: C
array([[[ 0.43588471, -0.36988337, 0.74545616],
[ 0.20270693, 0.65608994, -0.10101264],
[ 0.68253449, 0.30033963, -0.34482807]],
[[ 0.61591433, -0.25137572, -0.12655065],
[ 0.26761896, -0.26104731, 0.03425902],
[ 0.11177481, 0.44068288, 0.42028823]]])
Is it possible to come back to the original values using a similar technique or do I have to use a for loop and temporary variables?
For example, this doesn't do the trick:
In [15]: C[:, :, 1:] = C[:, :, 0:C.shape[2]-1] + C[:, :, 1:]
In [16]: C
array([[[ 0.43588471, 0.06600133, 0.37557278],
[ 0.20270693, 0.85879686, 0.5550773 ],
[ 0.68253449, 0.98287412, -0.04448843]],
[[ 0.61591433, 0.36453861, -0.37792638],
[ 0.26761896, 0.00657165, -0.22678829],
[ 0.11177481, 0.55245769, 0.86097111]]])
First, to compute the difference, instead of
C[:, :, 1:] - C[:, :, 0:C.shape[2]-1]
you could use numpy.diff:
np.diff(C, axis = -1)
In [27]: C = np.random.rand(2,3,3)
In [28]: D = C[:, :, 1:] - C[:, :, 0:C.shape[2]-1]
In [29]: E = np.diff(C, axis = -1)
In [30]: np.allclose(D, E)
Out[30]: True
Next, if you know you want to retrieve the original C
, perhaps it is better not to overwrite the values in the first place. Just save the differences in a separate array:
E = np.diff(C, axis = -1)
After all, there is no quicker way to perform a calculation than to not compute at all :).
But if you really do want to overwrite the values, then, to retrieve the original values, use np.cumsum:
In [20]: C = np.random.rand(2,3,3)
In [21]: D = C.copy()
In [22]: C[:, :, 1:] = np.diff(C, axis = -1)
In [23]: C = np.cumsum(C, axis = -1)
In [24]: np.allclose(C,D)
Out[24]: True