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Is boolean algebra REALLY necessary for assembly programming?

I need to know because I find the whole thing confusing. I'm in a college algebra class right now though some of the boolean algebra seems quite basic (commutativity, associative properties, etc. ie. basic algebra). I was reading The Art of Assembly Programming but then I hit the boolean algebra chapter and got frustrated. The author uses what I consider to be "arbitrary" symbols for his operators though I don't know what operators are ordinary. I'm used to C++ !, &&, and || operators for the NOT, AND, and OR operations respectively. There's typo's and other things in the e-book which make it more difficult to read.

The point being, is that chapter absolutely necessary to learn? Are there any beginners x64 assembly programming books out there? This computer has an AMD 64 bit processor. I was reading Programming from the ground up but its for linux. I could follow that one because its easier to read but I tried to compile an example and it did not work. Even with changes to the code to make it windows compatible, no dice.


  • Yes, it is very important to understand. Boolean algebra is used to implement hardware and is also responsible for many assembly operations. && is And, || is or, ! is not, etc. Google the truth tables for all of these, they're very simple. You only need a simple base really to understand the operations as you see them.