I have a problem with the browser behaviour to drop files. I have a "ContentPanel" which contains a file drag and drop area. when I drag and drop a file there everything is ok but when I drop the file in some other place inside of the "ContentPanel", the browser opens the file (behaviour by default).
How can I avoid this? Nothing should happens in this last case.
It is necessary 2 drop handlers, one for the content panel and other for drag and drop area.
public FileUploadWidget() {
RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get();
DropHandler dropHandlerRoot = new DropHandler(rootPanel);
dropHandlerRoot.addFileEventHandler(new FileEventHandler() {
public void onFiles(FileEvent event) {
// Nothing to do, avoid the default browser
// behaviour which is to open the file
// Drag and drop area handler
dropHandler = new DropHandler(dragAndDropArea);
dropHandler.addFileEventHandler(new FileEventHandler() {
public void onFiles(FileEvent event) {
JsArray<File> files = event.getFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length(); ++i) {
File file = files.get(i);