I'm encountering a piece of code where I need to simply do a prefix check on a given CComBSTR object (something like Y.StartsWith("X")
). C++ is a bit foreign to me, and my biggest concern is efficiency. I don't need to modify the CComBSTR in any way. All I want is to return a boolean on whether it starts with X prefix.
Looking at the operators listed in the API under CComBSTR Members, it allows for very basic comparisons like ==, >, <, etc. I have two ideas on how I could try to solve this (listed below). However, I don't have a deep understanding of what is the most efficient/simplest way to go about this. If I'm completely off base, let me know.
will compare a limited number of starting characters for you:
BOOL StartsWith(BSTR sValue, const WCHAR* pszSubValue)
return FALSE;
return wcsncmp(sValue, pszSubValue, wcslen(pszSubValue)) == 0;