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Paging and Sorting in Mutliple Partial View with MVC Contrib

I create an application using asp mvc razor + mvc grid. My problem is : i have one view that contain multiple action that return partial view, in each partial view there is a grid that display the data. I am using mvc contrib grid which support paging and sorting.

My view (index.cshtml) :

<div class="row-fluid">
    <div id="formations" class="control-group">

<div id="pools" class="control-group">

<div id="zones" class="control-group">

Formations action :

    public ActionResult Formations(GridSortOptions sort, int? page, string filter = "all")

        IPagination<StratUnitVo> pagination = ....        
        return PartialView("_Formations", pagination);

Partial View _Formations :

@Html.Grid(Model).Sort(ViewData["sort"] as GridSortOptions).Columns(col =>
       col.For(p => Html.ActionLink(p.LongName, "EditFormation", "Stratigraphy", new { id = p.Id }, null).ToHtmlString()).Encode(false).Named(Locale.Name).SortColumnName("LongName");
       col.For(p => p.FormCode).Named(Locale.Code);
   col.For(p => p.ReferenceStratUnit.LongName).Named(Locale.ReferenceFormation);      
   }).Attributes(@class => "table table-condensed table-striped table-hover")

@if (Model.Count() > 0)

Other action and view is most like sample above (just difference in the model data). My problem is :

  1. When i click the navigation paging in one grid (example : Formations), the other grid (Pools and Zones) will be navigate to. For example : click page 2 in formations grid will move another grid to page 2 too.
  2. When i click the column header in one grid (which mean i want to sort the data), the whole page is replaced by partial view. What i want is only the grid that i have clicked is sorted.

How can i fix that ?



  • Well, I just solved my problem like this :

    1. For paging : add new parameter for each action called 'type' and validate based on the parameter.

      public ActionResult Formations(GridSortOptions sort, int? page, string type, string filter = "all")
          if (type != null && !type.Equals("Formation")) page = 1;            
          IPagination<StratUnitVo> pagination = ......
          return PartialView("_Formations", pagination);
    2. For sorting : use ajax sort for mvc grid :

      $(function () {
          ajaxSort('pools', 'Stratigraphy', 'Pools');
          ajaxSort('formations', 'Stratigraphy', 'Formations');
          ajaxSort('zones', 'Stratigraphy', 'Zones');         
      function ajaxSort(tableId, controllerName, actionName) {
      $(document).on('click', '#' + tableId + ' > table > thead > tr > th > a', (function () {
      // store the href attribute, will get the column and direction parameter
      var href = $(this).attr('href');
      // mvc grid sort url is : 'http\\controllerName\\actionName?Column=columnname&Direction=[Ascending|Descending]            
      var temp = href.split('&');
      // retrieve the column name
      var column = temp[0].split('=')[1];
      // retrieve sort direction
      var direction = temp[1].split('=')[1];
      // retrieve column header
      var columnHeader = $(this).text();
      // remove the href attribute, prevent postback
      // use ajax to sort
          url: '/' + controllerName + '/' + actionName,
          data: { 'Column': column, 'Direction': direction },
          dataType: 'html',
          success: function (data) {                
              $('#' + tableId).html(data);
              columnHeader = columnHeader.replace('\u25B2', '').replace('\u25BC', '');
              // show up down arrow
              // \u25B2 and \u+25BC is the unicode character for up/down triangle (arrow) to display in HTML                                
              var column = $('#' + tableId + ' > table > thead > tr > th > a:contains(' + columnHeader + ')');
              if(direction == 'Ascending')
                  column.text(columnHeader + "\u25B2");
              else {                
                  column.text(columnHeader + "\u25BC");