Search code examples

jsf converter loses injected property

I had this working before, but then I changed some things, and I can't get it to work again. I am trying to use my service tier to hit the database and get a correct object from my converter class, depending on what the user clicks. I inject the service property into my converter with spring. During debugging, I can see that the property gets sets properly. But then when I go to call getService, it is null.


@SessionScoped public class PlaceConverter implements Converter {

private SearchQueryService searchQueryService;

 * @return the searchQueryService
public SearchQueryService getSearchQueryService() {
    return searchQueryService;

 * @param searchQueryService the searchQueryService to set
public void setSearchQueryService(SearchQueryService searchQueryService) {
    this.searchQueryService = searchQueryService;

public Object getAsObject(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, String submittedValue) {
        try {
            Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
            return getSearchQueryService().findPlaces(criteria).get(0);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    return null;

public String getAsString(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, Object value) {
    ((Place) value).setCategory(" (" + ((Place) value).getCategory() + ")");
    return String.valueOf(((Place) value).getPlaceId());


<bean id="placeConverterBean" class="com.ghghg.converter.PlaceConverter">
    <property name="searchQueryService" ref="searchQueryServiceBean" />


  • Dependency injection in a converter works only if the converter is declared as a managed bean by the dependency injection framework in question. E.g. JSF's own @ManagedBean, or CDI's @Named, or Spring's @Component. You should remove the @FacesConverter altogether and reference the converter instance in EL scope instead of referencing it by the converter ID.

    Thus, so

    <h:inputXxx converter="#{placeConverter}" />


    <f:converter binding="#{placeConverter}" />

    instead of

    <h:inputXxx converter="PlaceConverter" />


    <f:converter converterId="PlaceConverter" />

    Your concrete problem suggests that you were referencing it by converter ID (thus, via @FacesConverter). This way you end up getting a converter instance without any injected dependencies.

    See also:

    As to the role of the converter itself, this is mandatory because HTML code is represented as one large string and HTTP request parameter values can only be represented as strings. Complex Java objects would otherwise be printed via Object#toString() like so com.example.Place@hashcode, making it unusable in the server side.