I have looked at how to embed HTML syntax in JavaScript string from HTML syntax highlighting in javascript strings in vim.
However, when I use CoffeeScript I cannot get the same thing working by editing coffee.vim
syntax file in a similar way. I got recursive errors which said including html.vim
make it too nested.
I have some HTML template in CoffeeScript like the following::
angular.module('m', [])
template: """
<div>This is <b>bold</b> text</div>
<div><i>This should be italic.</i></div>
How do I get the template HTML syntax in CoffeeScript string properly highlighted in VIM?
I would proceed as follows:
Find out the syntax groups that should be highlighted as pure html would be. Add html syntax highlighting to these groups.
To find the valid syntax group under the cursor you can follow the instructions here.
In your example the syntax group of interest is coffeeHereDoc
To add html highlighting to this group execute the following commands
unlet b:current_syntax
syntax include @HTML syntax/html.vim
syn region HtmlEmbeddedInCoffeeScript start="" end=""
\ contains=@HTML containedin=coffeeHereDoc
Since vim complains about recursion if you add these lines to coffee.vim
i would go with an autocommand:
function! Coffee_syntax()
if !empty(b:current_syntax)
unlet b:current_syntax
syn include @HTML syntax/html.vim
syn region HtmlEmbeddedInCoffeeScript start="" end="" contains=@HTML
\ containedin=coffeeHereDoc
autocmd BufEnter *.coffee call Coffee_syntax()