Consider the functions:
void foo(int a = 3)//named default parameter
void foo1(int = 3)//unnamed default parameter
I understand the need of the first function.(The value of "a" is 3 and it can be used in the program). But the 2nd function(which is not an error) has 3 initialized to nothing. How exactly do i use this value , if i can use this value...
In function declaration/definition, a parameter may have or have not a name, this also applies to a parameter with default value.
But to use a parameter inside a function, a name must be provided.
Normally when declare a function with default parameter
// Unnamed default parameter.
void foo1(int = 3);
In function definition
void foo1(int a)
std::cout << a << std::endl;
Then you can call
foo1(); // the same as call foo1(3)