I am an html coder, and I am still fighting a hard-to-reproduce crash in IE 8. Okay, I managed to get a crash dump out of it and I unpacked (decoded? deciphered?) it. Now I have a stack trace of what was happening before the crash and I want to find out what went wrong. It goes like this:
01f898c0... mshtml!SRunPointer::SpanQualifier+0xd
01f898e8... mshtml!CLsClient::IterateOverCrossingSpansAndDoOperation+0x76
01f89948... mshtml!CLsClient::ModifyLineHeightForAlmostStandardsDocument+0x86
01f899b0... mshtml!CLsClient::CreateLine+0x212
01f899c0... mshtml!CLsClient::ReCreateLineForDisplay+0x67
01f89a74... mshtml!CTextDisplayBox::DrawClient+0x1e6
I don't know what does this mean. Unfortunately, Google is not of much help. And Yahoo. And Bing. And MSDN, too. That's actually pretty amazing, I feel like I am wandering through some sort of secret ninja interwebs.
Okay, my question is: how can I get more information about this? If MSIE crashes on my page saying "NULL_POINTER_READ_WITH_SCRIPT", what does it mean? How can I fix my html to stop this? I have zero experience in debugging windows applications, so I am completely lost. If Google fails, where to go? Who to ask? Please help.
Go to https://connect.microsoft.com/ and submit a bug. Since it isn't in the bug list yet, this may be a not yet known issue.