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Missing docbookxi.xsd

Seems that the /docbook-5.0/catalog.xml (XML catalog) found in the DocBook 5.0 zip ...

references a xsd/docbookxi.xsd schema file that seems to be missing from that archive.

Is this just a placeholder for some functionality that is yet to exist, or is this a legitimate error/bug/oversight in that catalog file?

Doing some google searching for docbookxi.xsd just turns up hundreds of references to this DocBook xml catalog reference, but no reference to the actual docbookxi.xsd file / definition.

Due to limitations in the environment i'm working with, I cannot use the alternative RELAX NG versions of this schema.


  • Yes, that's a legitimate bug. I don't actually recall if the toolchain that built the (awful) XSD versions was ever able to produce the XInclude version.

    I can try to create an XInclude version of the "by hand" XSD files. However, that will be a version 1.1 XML Schema. Is that good enough, or do you need 1.0?


    After some investigation, it appears to me that the UPA rule in XSD makes creating an XInclude version enormously difficult. Simply allowing XInclude at either the division level (part or reference) and the component level (preface, chapter, et. al.) violates the UPA rule because a book can start with either a division or a component.