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How to convert json string into normal string?

I had an earlier question, which I have deleted in favour of this one. Since I was under the wrong assumption that it had something to do with the dateutil version.

test1 = dateutil.parser.parse("2013-01-24T16:50:42+00:00")  

this works fine and I get a datetime.


dthandler = lambda obj: obj.isoformat() if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime) else None
test2 =  json.dumps(event.due_date_time, default=dthandler)

print test2 --> "2013-01-24T16:50:42+00:00"

This looks to me like a normal string

test3 = dateutil.parser.parse(test2)

This crashes saying ValueError: unknown string format

So how do I convert json string into 'normal' string?


  • You are forgetting that JSON puts quotes around the string. You have the following value:

    jsonvalue = '"2013-01-24T16:50:42+00:00"'

    Note the double quotes there.

    You'd need to load that value using the json.loads() method again, which in this case just removes the quotes again:

    >>> print json.loads(jsonvalue)

    Note that now the quotes are gone again. You could also just strip the quotes with .strip('"') if you have a mix:

    >>> print jsonvalue.strip('"')

    but since you are expecting JSON data, why not just treat it as json data and use the json module for this to turn it back to Python data.