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Validate rich:dataTable value size's on form submit

I have a "new item" form that requires a list of dates, with the following components:

  • A <rich:calendar> input;
  • A <a4j:commandButton> that adds the chosen date to a List<Date> chosenDates in the backing bean;
  • A <rich:dataTable> with it's value set to the List<Date> chosenDates attribute;
  • A <a4j:commandButton> per dataTable row that removes it's date from theList<Date> chosenDates;

How to validate (JSF's validation phase) the size of the chosenDates list on form submit (creation process)?

RichFaces 4, JSF 2.1 (Mojarra).


  • I'd advise a cleaner approach with a JSF PhaseListener. The JSF processing will stop skip ahead the other phases if validation fails. Create a PhaseListener that will inspect the size of your list during the validations phase as against during the model update/invoke action phase. Try something like this

    1. Create a phase listener for the validations phase

      public class TestPhaseListener implements PhaseListener {
         public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
         public void beforePhase(PhaseEvent event) {
              FacesContext ctx = event.getFacesContext();
              YourBeanClass theBeanClass = ctx.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(ctx, "#{someBean}", YourNeanClass.class); //obtain a reference to the backing bean containing the list
         inspect the size of the list here and based on that throw the exception below
             throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Too many dates","Too Many Dates"));
          public PhaseId getPhaseId() {
             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
    2. Register your new listener in the faces_config.xml file


    EDIT: Based on your comment, as an alternative, you can hook into the component's lifecycle using the <f:event/> tag and the preValidate or postValidate events (depending on your preference)

    1. A listener tag to your component

             <f:event type="preValidate" listener="#{yourBean.listener}"/>
    2. Define a listener method in your backing bean to run per your defined event. The method signature must take an argument of type ComponentSystemEvent

          public void preCheck(ComponentSystemEvent evt){
             //You're in your backing bean so you can do pretty much whatever you want. I'd advise you mark the request as validation failed and queue FacesMessages. Obtain a reference to FacesContext and: