This question may help you understand my needs. Cake pattern: one component per implementation, or one component per trait?
I have a Scala application using multiple UserService implementations which will be provided by component(s?).
I wonder if there is a way in another component to "scan" the application so that I can retrieve a set of all components providing an object which implement the trait UserService? So that I can iterate over all the UserService interfaces provided by my cake built application?
I guess I can have a component which build a list of UserService according to its dependency, but is it possible to have this component building the list without having any hardcoded dependency?
You can simply have a list of UserService
instances right into UserServiceComponent
, and have the base UserService
register itself in this list.
trait UserServiceComponent {
private val _userServices = collection.mutable.Buffer[UserService]()
def userServices: Seq[UserService] = _userServices.synchronized {
_userServices.toList // defensive copy
private def registerUserService( service: UserService ) = _userServices.synchronized {
_userServices += service
trait UserService {
registerUserService( this )
def getPublicProfile(id: String): Either[Error, User]
val mainUserService: UserService
trait DefaultUserServiceComponent extends UserServiceComponent { self: UserRepositoryComponent =>
protected class DefaultUserService extends UserService {
// NOTE: no need to register the service, this is handled by the base class
def getPublicProfile(id: String): Either[Error, User] = userRepository.getPublicProfile(id)
val mainUserService: UserService = new DefaultUserService