I have an MDI form called "MDIParent1", MDI child form "MDIChild1" and I have a windows form called "FrmTest".
Now there is a button called "btnTest" in "MDIChild1" form and here is the click event.
Dim V As New FrmTest
V.MdiParent = MDIParent1
But It couldn't load the "frmTest" form. Is there any another way to do so? Thanks in advance.
Try This :
Dim V As New FrmTest
V.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent
The above assumes that MDIChild1.MdiParent
is already set to MDIParent1
You could also do this :
Dim V As New FrmTest
V.MdiParent = Application.OpenForms("MDIParent1")
To close other forms, iterate through MdiChildren
collection :
Dim MyMdiForm as Form = Application.OpenForms("MDIParent1")
For Each Frm As Form In MyMdiForm.MdiChildren
If Frm IsNot V Then
End If