I am not sure why but jQuery is not passing parameters to PHP in order to complete the load() function with specific data based on the parameters ID.
In short term, when a user clicks a link there is onclick which fires up photo_tab('.$row['id'].');
account.php HTML element
<li><a href="#!/photos" onclick="photo_tab('.$row['id'].');"><i class="icon-camera"></i> Photos</a></li>
In a sence the ID should be passed to the photo_tab (the script is included into page not on the page it self)
function photo_tab(user_id) {
And photos/ page should be loaded which is a PHP page and based on the user_id value load photos from database associated with that user_id.
if ($_GET['user_id'] == 2) {
echo "WORKED!";
} else {
echo "FAILED!";
***this is the photos/ file located at ajax/photos.php with mod_rewrite to point
otherwise to just photos/ or photos
EDIT: 1 - Using full path instead of rewrite photos > ajax/photos.php does not work 2 - The ID is being passed and echoed onto page via $row['ID']; 3 - ajax/photos.php is using $_REQUEST
Try passing the data as a query string, like so:
function photo_tab(user_id) {
EDIT: Giving this a second look, is that URL correct? It seems weird to have a relative URL.
You should also make sure the generated markup is correct, is the row ID printing out in the source?
EDIT 2: I set this up locally, this is working code, mimicking your file structure.
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
function photo_tab(id) {
{ 'user_id': id }
<div class="ac-content"></div>
<a href="#!/photos" onclick="photo_tab(3);"><i class="icon-camera"></i> Photos</a>
if (isset($_GET['user_id']) && $_GET['user_id'] == 2)
echo "WORKED!";
echo "FAILED!";