Sign up form - Password is 123456:
$pwd = $_POST['pwd'];
$salt = '$2a$10$R.Baj0mvj5doNvtvzDjwP5$';
$password = crypt("$pwd", $salt);
Hash in the database:
Hash comparison when user is login in - Password again, 123456:
$salt = '$2a$10$R.Baj0mvj5doNvtvzDjwP5$';
The $crypt_pass = $2a$10$R.Baj0mvj5doNvtvzDjwPuN/W8Z3n6RVGyM0pMQB89k2m9nYRIN6O The password hash in the database is: $2a$10$R.Baj0mvj5doNvtvzDjwPuN/W8Z3n6RVGyM0pM
Why aren't they matching when I'm hashing them with the same salt?
You're using Blowfish as your hash type. That will always return different values for the same string and salt. If you want your hashes to match use SHA 512.
$salt = '$6$rounds=5000$usesomesillystringforsalt$';