I've looked all over the net as to how I can load a list of files that contain spaces and don't yet exist with an Ant task.
I have a file that contains one file path per line, like so:
dir1/dir2/dir with spaces/file1.js
dir1/dir2/dir with spaces/dir3/file2.js
Since the paths have spaces I cannot use:
<filelist files="..." />
The files also don't exist yet, so it seems like I can't use
<includesfile name="..." />
Any ideas would be greatly appreaciated.
You can use a resourcelist for this. For example, if your list of files are in a file called 'files.txt':
<resourcelist id="files">
<file file="files.txt"/>
<touch mkdirs="true">
<resources refid="files" />
For me this yields:
[touch] Creating .../filelist/dir1/dir2/dir with spaces/file1.js
[touch] Creating .../filelist/dir1/dir2/dir with spaces/dir3/file2.js
[touch] Creating .../filelist/dir1/file1.js
The reason this works is that a <resourcelist>
treats each line in the file read as a separate resource, so line separators rather than commas or spaces divide the items.