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actionscript 3 if array in condition

i want to ask about this code..

 if ( == "book")
    if ((objek == alif) || (objek == ba)){  //yg perlu diganti
    //if (objek == objBenar){  //yg perlu diganti
                objek.x = objek.dropTarget.parent.x;
                objek.y = objek.dropTarget.parent.y + 50;
                objek.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, down);
                objek.buttonMode = false;
                var _loc_2:Number;
                objek.scaleY = 0.4;
                objek.scaleX = _loc_2;
                objek.alpha = 0.6;
                scorebox.text = "Score: " + score;
            else {
            objek.x = objek.dropTarget.parent.x;
                objek.y = objek.dropTarget.parent.y + 50;
                objek.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, down);
                objek.buttonMode = false;
                var _loc_2:Number;
                objek.scaleY = 0.4;
                objek.scaleX = _loc_2;
                objek.alpha = 0.6;
                scorebox.text = "Score: " + score;}


i have movieclip alif, ba, and dal..this three can be dragged to movieclip named "book" and the score will change. if i drag alif and ba movieclip to book, score will increase.. if i drag dal movieclip to book score will decrease.. how if i want to make the movieclip alif and ba of an array??and how to write the condition?? help pliss :(


  • I'm not sure if I understand, but do you want to have an array containing alif and ba and then check if the movieclip is in that array? This is how you would do that:

    var scoreIncreasers:Array = [alif, ba];
    var isScoreIncreaser:Boolean = (scoreIncreasers.indexOf(objeck) !== -1);
    if(isScoreIncreaser) {
        // Increase score


    Based on your comment, I think this is what you want:

    var objBener:Array = [alif, ba];
    if(objBener.indexOf(objek) !== -1) {
        //yg perlu diganti