I start programing on Windows Mobile 6.5. I install VS2008, SDK 6.0 and DTK 6.5.3. Create project (WM 6.0, .NET 3.5) and the is no using System.Data.SqlClient. I System.Data only is Common, SqlTypes. References are included by creator.
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(sSQL, new SqlConnection(sConn)); Cannot resolve symbol 'SqlCommand'
Did I miss something? How to connect Sql Server from device? Many examples on internet include this methods.
I have also installed .NET 4.0, 4.5 and VS 2012.
although I dont know what TDK is, you need to download and install sql server ce/compact separately to get the SQLClientCE etc objects:
Be aware that Windos Mobile 6.5 apps can not be developed with .NET 4 or VS 2012 or VS 2010. Windows Mobile / Embeddded Handheld Programming is only supported up to VS 2008!
After the installation of Sql Server Compact for Mobile, you have a new programs dir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5" (see also attached slq_server_compact35_files.txt).
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is 00000200 7803:48E6
| EULA_EN.rtf
| EULA_ENU.rtf
| ReadmeSSCE35_ENU.htm
| sqlceca35.dll
| sqlcecompact35.dll
| sqlceer35EN.dll
| sqlceme35.dll
| sqlceoledb35.dll
| sqlceqp35.dll
| sqlcese35.dll
| System.Data.SqlServerCe.Entity.dll
| | System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll
| |
| \---EN
| System.Data.SqlServerCe.xml
| | EULA_ENU.rtf
| | System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll
| |
| +---Client
| | | System.Data.SqlClient.dll
| | |
| | +---EN
| | | System.Data.SqlClient.xml
| | |
| | +---wce400
| | | \---armv4
| | | dbnetlib.dll
| | | sql.dev.ENU.ppc.wce4.armv4.CAB
| | | sql.ppc.wce4.armv4.CAB
| | |
| | \---wce500
| | +---armv4i
| | | dbnetlib.dll
| | | sql.dev.ENU.phone.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | | sql.dev.ENU.ppc.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | | sql.dev.ENU.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | | sql.phone.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | | sql.ppc.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | | sql.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | |
| | +---mipsii
| | | dbnetlib.dll
| | | sql.dev.ENU.wce5.mipsii.CAB
| | | sql.wce5.mipsii.CAB
| | |
| | +---mipsii_fp
| | | dbnetlib.dll
| | | sql.dev.ENU.wce5.mipsii_fp.CAB
| | | sql.wce5.mipsii_fp.CAB
| | |
| | +---mipsiv
| | | dbnetlib.dll
| | | sql.dev.ENU.wce5.mipsiv.CAB
| | | sql.wce5.mipsiv.CAB
| | |
| | +---mipsiv_fp
| | | dbnetlib.dll
| | | sql.dev.ENU.wce5.mipsiv_fp.CAB
| | | sql.wce5.mipsiv_fp.CAB
| | |
| | +---sh4
| | | dbnetlib.dll
| | | sql.dev.ENU.wce5.sh4.CAB
| | | sql.wce5.sh4.CAB
| | |
| | \---x86
| | dbnetlib.dll
| | sql.dev.ENU.wce5.x86.CAB
| | sql.wce5.x86.CAB
| |
| +---EN
| | System.Data.SqlServerCe.xml
| |
| +---wce400
| | \---armv4
| | sqlce.dev.ENU.ppc.wce4.armv4.CAB
| | sqlce.ppc.wce4.armv4.CAB
| | sqlce.repl.ppc.wce4.armv4.CAB
| | sqlceca35.dll
| | sqlcecompact35.dll
| | sqlceer35EN.dll
| | sqlceme35.dll
| | sqlceoledb35.dll
| | sqlceqp35.dll
| | sqlcese35.dll
| | upgrade.exe
| |
| \---wce500
| +---armv4i
| | sqlce.dev.ENU.phone.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | sqlce.dev.ENU.ppc.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | sqlce.dev.ENU.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | sqlce.phone.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | sqlce.ppc.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | sqlce.repl.phone.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | sqlce.repl.ppc.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | sqlce.repl.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | sqlce.wce5.armv4i.CAB
| | sqlceca35.dll
| | sqlcecompact35.dll
| | sqlceer35EN.dll
| | sqlceme35.dll
| | sqlceoledb35.dll
| | sqlceqp35.dll
| | sqlcese35.dll
| | upgrade.exe
| |
| +---mipsii
| | sqlce.dev.ENU.wce5.mipsii.CAB
| | sqlce.repl.wce5.mipsii.CAB
| | sqlce.wce5.mipsii.CAB
| | sqlceca35.dll
| | sqlcecompact35.dll
| | sqlceer35EN.dll
| | sqlceme35.dll
| | sqlceoledb35.dll
| | sqlceqp35.dll
| | sqlcese35.dll
| | upgrade.exe
| |
| +---mipsii_fp
| | sqlce.dev.ENU.wce5.mipsii_fp.CAB
| | sqlce.repl.wce5.mipsii_fp.CAB
| | sqlce.wce5.mipsii_fp.CAB
| | sqlceca35.dll
| | sqlcecompact35.dll
| | sqlceer35EN.dll
| | sqlceme35.dll
| | sqlceoledb35.dll
| | sqlceqp35.dll
| | sqlcese35.dll
| | upgrade.exe
| |
| +---mipsiv
| | sqlce.dev.ENU.wce5.mipsiv.CAB
| | sqlce.repl.wce5.mipsiv.CAB
| | sqlce.wce5.mipsiv.CAB
| | sqlceca35.dll
| | sqlcecompact35.dll
| | sqlceer35EN.dll
| | sqlceme35.dll
| | sqlceoledb35.dll
| | sqlceqp35.dll
| | sqlcese35.dll
| | upgrade.exe
| |
| +---mipsiv_fp
| | sqlce.dev.ENU.wce5.mipsiv_fp.CAB
| | sqlce.repl.wce5.mipsiv_fp.CAB
| | sqlce.wce5.mipsiv_fp.CAB
| | sqlceca35.dll
| | sqlcecompact35.dll
| | sqlceer35EN.dll
| | sqlceme35.dll
| | sqlceoledb35.dll
| | sqlceqp35.dll
| | sqlcese35.dll
| | upgrade.exe
| |
| +---sh4
| | sqlce.dev.ENU.wce5.sh4.CAB
| | sqlce.repl.wce5.sh4.CAB
| | sqlce.wce5.sh4.CAB
| | sqlceca35.dll
| | sqlcecompact35.dll
| | sqlceer35EN.dll
| | sqlceme35.dll
| | sqlceoledb35.dll
| | sqlceqp35.dll
| | sqlcese35.dll
| | upgrade.exe
| |
| \---x86
| sqlce.dev.ENU.wce5.x86.CAB
| sqlce.repl.wce5.x86.CAB
| sqlce.wce5.x86.CAB
| sqlceca35.dll
| sqlcecompact35.dll
| sqlceer35EN.dll
| sqlceme35.dll
| sqlceoledb35.dll
| sqlceqp35.dll
| sqlcese35.dll
| upgrade.exe
| sqlce_err.h
| sqlce_oledb.h
| sqlce_sync.h
| System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll
| System.Data.SqlServerCe.Entity.dll
| Northwind.sdf
| ConnWiz.exe
| EULA_ENU.rtf
| Microsoft.SqlServerCe.Client.dll
| Microsoft.SqlServerCe.Enumerator.dll
| Microsoft.SqlServerCe.ManagementUI.dll
| Microsoft.SqlServerCe.ReplWiz.dll
| SSCEServerTools-ENU.msi
| SQLWorkbenchProjectItems.vsdir
| sqlce.vsdir
| SQLCEFile.sqlce
| Create Database.sqlce
| Drop Database.sqlce
| Create Index.sqlce
| Create Unique Index.sqlce
| Drop Index.sqlce
Alter Table Add Column.sqlce
Alter Table Add Primary Key.sqlce
Alter Table Drop Column.sqlce
Alter Table Drop Constraint.sqlce
Create Table Primary Key.sqlce
Create Table with Identity Column.sqlce
Create Table.sqlce
Drop Table.sqlce
Now, after you started a new SmartDevice project or opened an existing one, you have to ADD references to either System.Data.SqlClient or System.Data.SqlServerCE: