I'm using boostrap library on Yii via yii-booster
I've created a relation table view
The related view is a TbGriView itself
Vhen in a row i click on the link on the 'related' column, the row expands itself, and render a TbGridview inside it.
The problem is that the internal gridview cannot be sorte, paged or filtered, because each action on it causes that the entire container grid will empty
Note - external grid as a id of 'extenalgrid' - each internal grid has as id like 'internalgrid-$rowId' , so every internal grid as differnt id on div, table and table row elements. - the action called from "render related tabel" link is using renderPartial without the postProcess option. If i use potProcess, the row will be empty
So is it not possible to rendere a full working gridview/tbgridview into a related table ?
Use different css
classes for the filters, buttons and headers for the different tables. From the jquery.yiigridview.js
file events are bound to selectors as $('#table-id .selector-class')
so elements in your internal gridView still trigger the events bound to the external gridView. You also have to specify a different url
for the internal gridView by setting it's ajaxUrl