I'm having trouble trying to remove a Form from this Dock Container once I used the dockContainer.Add(form)
and later the dockContainer.Remove(dockableFormInfo)
and when I make it show itself using form.Show()
, it wont show up at all.
Looking trough the properties it shows that the form is actually visible = true
, but even though the dockable control that uses the Form was removed from the Container, my thoughts are that it still used the Form resources and thus I am unable to make it appear outside the control.
How can I make the Form show up?
Problem solved, first thanks to Hans Passant for the TopLevel tip.
After removing from the docking container, just set TopLevel to true!
Here is the test code:
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Crom.Controls.Docking;
namespace DockingTester
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Form dummyForm;
private readonly Guid dummyFormGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
public Form1()
private void CreateDummyForm()
dummyForm = new Form();
this.dummyForm.Text = "Dummy docking test form";
private static void DockUndockForm(DockContainer dockContainer, Form form, Guid guid)
DockableFormInfo formInfo = dockContainer.GetFormInfo(guid);
if (formInfo == null)
formInfo = dockContainer.Add(form, zAllowedDock.All, guid);
dockContainer.DockForm(formInfo, DockStyle.Left, zDockMode.Inner);
Form dummy = formInfo.DockableForm;
dockContainer.Undock(formInfo, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, new Size(100, 300)));
dummy.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.Sizable;
dummy.TopLevel = true;
private void dockUndockButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.dummyForm.IsDisposed)
DockUndockForm(this.dockContainer1, this.dummyForm, this.dummyFormGuid);