In my iPhone application I want to trigger a download every monday of a week, every 10th working day of a month, every 3rd day of a month etc. I did some R & D and found that NSDate, NSDateComponents & NSCalendar classes needs to be used for this scenario. Can somebody help in the same as I am new to date & time usage.
Also by the time when trigger comes if app is not in running state or mobile is switched off.. How to handle these scenarios.
If you device is switched off / out of order / app is not running, you can not do any thing.
Apple would not allow you to launch your automatically, so the question of downloading and saving is bit far.
What you can do is, whenever your app is launched you can read from plist or userdefaults about the time ( 3rd day of month ) and compare to the last saved date, if it is one month away then it is the time to download and show a popup to do so.